Reminder for all involved in Yorkshire Hockey Association
We must ensure that all of us are following the Return To Play guidelines, which are available on line.
Clubs must have appointed a Covid Officer and notified EH of their details
- Participation Agreement – Anyone wanting to be involved in hockey must sign an England Hockey Participation Agreement before they play (this only needs to be done once), where they agree to the terms and conditions and Code of Ethics and Behaviours. It may take up to 24 hours from the participant registering to filter through to your list. This means participants must register at least 24 hours in advance of attending sessions. • ensure that only participants who have signed an England Hockey Participant Agreement take part in training and match play. No one should participate in any hockey activity without signing the Participant Agreement in advance. You can find it at –
EH Participation Agreement https://forms.office.com/FormsPro/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=NvkYmuiQxU–asEa8eSc6g-NqKCAUipGoe_luyiEaiZUMlE4NUVKRDZENzJGNUtNVEE5NVlXME9ETC4u
- Home team must confirm with opposition and umpires -venue, start time, details for arrival at pitch. Toilet /changing facilities availability.
- Self-Assessment Check – This check should be done before each hockey session and participants should declare they are symptom free and haven’t been in contact with anyone with suspected or confirmed Covid symptoms within the past 2 weeks.
- Arrive as close as possible to the time you need to be there. • Check in with your organiser for Track and Trace purposes. • Arrive changed and ready to play. Shower at home and follow the facility rules on using indoor spaces such as hospitality or toilets. • Do not congregate after playing.
- Follow the current advice – From Monday 14 September, when meeting friends and family you do not live with you must not meet in a group of more than 6, indoors or outdoors.
- You will need Attendance lists for every hockey session covering all participants (name), location, date, match/ training session times. This needs to be emailed to track.trace@englandhockey.co.uk within 24 hours of the session. Club must store this securely in case it is needed.
Clubs already know of the EH advice of last season regarding Urinating near side of pitch. With the possibility of lack of toilet facilities clubs should remind members of the penalties.
New Guidance for the 2020/21 EH Advice Player Spitting & Nose Blowing. Spitting or nose blowing (where there is no handkerchief or tissue is used) is a practice that unfortunately occurs in our sport and must stop as it poses a significant risk to other participants. 21 Season. A 2-minute suspension (Green Card) to be issued to any player or participant caught spitting or nose blowing without a handkerchief or tissue. These areas should be cleaned by the offending player before play can continue. Repeat offenders (i.e. player(s) offending more than once) subject to further personal penalties as prescribed in section 14 of the 2019 FIH Rules of Hockey. Consistent repeat offenders will be subject to due process under the England Hockey Code of Ethics and Behaviour, Red Card, MMO and/or Disrepute policies.