Dear Club Representatives
Please find a few updated details that I hope your clubs find useful:
This weeks updated Frequently asked questions – sent in by clubs
Return to Play: This week’s Frequently Asked Questions
Kirkless Council update
I must advise that the local guidance from Kirklees council is that all grassroots sporting events should have a 30 maximum of attendees (which includes players, coaches and match officials) can be present and therefore effectively continues to mean no spectators at ANY sports facility located within Kirklees Council.This is an updated message and I urge all clubs to ensure this guidance is followed for ALL hockey activity.
Leeds City Council Lockdown
The rules will restrict people from different households mixing and this means Leeds will now have similar rules to Bradford, Kirklees and Calderdale that I reported on last week.
Residents must not socialise with other people outside of their own households or support bubble in private homes and gardens
This change is in addition to the ‘rule of 6’ limiting the number of people who can gather indoors or outdoors to 6, this rule is in place across the country.
What does this mean for hockey?
- All Hockey activity at stage 5 Can continue in line with NGB guidelines Covid-19 Club Support
- All players should adhere to the Government and local lockdown guidance either side of hockey activity.
England Hockey Covid 19 Support
Please continue to visit the England Hockey covid 19 support page for all updated support this page is updated regularly
I will continue to issue further guidance as and when it becomes available but please feel free to get in touch if you have any further immediate questions.
I hope you all have a safe hockey weekend
Gary Johnson
Relationship Manager
Direct: 07702 258465
England Hockey, Hockey Pavilion, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU
Tel: 01509 228676 | www.englandhockey.co.uk