News Item: IMPORTANT - YHA Clubs Meeting Date Change
(Category: Club News)
Posted by YHAWeb Manager
Thursday 28 April 2016 - 11:53:03

yhalogoblue.jpgIMPORTANT - YHA Clubs Meeting Date Change
The YHA Club's Meeting date has been changed from Tuesday 14 June 2016 to Wednesday 15 June 2016, still at Wakefield Hockey Club, This has been due to part of the venue being booked for another event on the Tuesday.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
ALL CLUBS MUST HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE AT THE MEETING - penalty for non-attendance is £50 per Club.
Doors will open at 18.30 hrs allowing clubs to confirm and rearrange fixtures with opponents before the main meeting (starting at 19.30 hrs). The University Club team meeting will start at 18.45 hrs, before the main meeting. (A
University Club is any club that believes it has sufficient university members to limit its ability to fulfil fixtures outside university semesters.)
More information to follow.

This news item is from Yorkshire Hockey Association
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