News Item: Flyerz Hockey Workshop - North
(Category: Web Site News)
Posted by YHAWeb Manager
Tuesday 04 September 2018 - 14:59:44

Flyerz Hockey Workshop - North
Wakefield HC are (as far as we are aware) the only Yorkshire Hockey Club providing a disability (Flyerz) section, and we are keen to see more.
Recently we were featured on BBC Look North with this message.
We are hosting a workshop provided by Access Sport on the 11th Sept 7pm at Wakefield.
It is a two hour meeting intended to inform encourage and equip other clubs to start Flyerz.
If your club is also providing a disability (Flyerz) section please let Access Sport know at -email- or call 020 7993 9883
There is a flyer available and information at the @FlyerzHockey Twitter account and here: Flyerz Hockey Workshop - North

Please note the '-email-' links above (and on the YHA Website) are not working properly - please email to webmanager @ (without the spaces before and after the '@' sign) and I'll forward.

This news item is from Yorkshire Hockey Association
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