News Item: Inputting YHA League Results to the YHA Website
(Category: YHA Hockey League News)
Posted by YHAWeb Manager
Friday 21 September 2018 - 17:00:45

Inputting YHA League Results to the YHA Website
Every Club playing in the Yorkshire Hockey Leagues has it's own login to the YHA Website for the purpose of inputting league results.
Someone in your club will either be responsible for inputting your team's results, or, if each team does their own, will be able to let you know what the login details are.
If you are stuck in a position where no one knows the login (perhaps the person who knew has moved on elsewhere), don't panic - email me at -email- and I will reset your login details and let your club secretary know what they are.
Meanwhile, if you have no access, email your result
to -email- , stating: which league; which division; who the teams were; what the result is, making it clear who won; and not least, which team you are from, and the result will be added to the webiste for you.
Andy Pettigrew - YHA Web Manager

This news item is from Yorkshire Hockey Association
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