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 FAQ #6
How do I create a content page?
You need to be authorised to create content pages. Once you have these permissions you must log on to the web site and visit the Admin area (there will be a link in the Welcome menu on the left of the page).

Here, there will be a link to Content.

To create a new page, simply enter the details you want for the page in the form and select the Create Content Page button.

The fields on the form that you can complete are:

Link name is the name of the link to the page that will be displayed in the menu.

Page Heading is the text that will appear at the top of the page - usually picked out in a different colour or with a different background to make it stand out.

Content this is the main text of the page. Use the buttons below this field to set different styles for the text and to add pictures (see this FAQ for more information on how to use these buttons).

Auto line breaks leave this set to On otherwise you will loose paragraph formatting when the text is displayed.

Allow comments If this is set to On visitors will be able to add comments about your page. A form will automatically be displayed underneath your page to allow this along with any comments that have been posted.

Add email/print icons If this is set to On then there will be buttons on the page that will allow visitors to e-mail the page to a friend or to display the page in a printer friendly format (i.e. without the website menus).

Visible to here you can decide who is allowed to view your page. Normally this would be set to Everyone but you may want to select Guest only (anybody not logged on) Member only (anybody logged on) or No one (inactive) (to keep the page but prevent it from being displayed temporarily).

 Category: Content Pages

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