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 FAQ #1
How do I upload a file to the website?
You must be authorised to upload files to the website. If you are not authorised and have a file or files to upload then please contact the webmaster and explain your requirements.

Once authorised, you will get a link to the upload a file page - this will only be available when you log on. The link can be found in the Admin Links menu on the left hand side of all pages.

On the upload page you should select a category for the file you are uploading. If there is no suitable category then use the _unknown_ category - an appropriate category will be created for the file later and the file will be moved there.

Enter a name for the file. This should be a short but descriptive name in English (do not just enter the filename as this may be confusing for others).

The version field can be left blank unless the file you are uploading does have different versions (for example, an updated version of a rules document).

Use the Browse buttons to locate the file to be uploaded (and a picture related to the file) on your own computer.

The Description for the file is free format - enter as much information as you feel neccessary but keep it to the point. It may be useful to include such things as who the intended audience for the file is.

If the file has a relevant website then the Website URL (website address including the http:// prefix) can be entered.

The Working demo field should normally be left blank.

Once all the fields have been completed, select the Submit and upload button. The file will be uploaded, this may take several minutes depending on the speed of your interent connection and the size of the file you are uploading.

 Category: Upload/Download

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